WA Innovator of the Year finalists 2023

We are Finalists! Cytophenix’s AI-driven technology, powering rapid tests to guide antibiotic choices in life-threatening infections, has caught the attention of the 2023 Western Australian Innovator of the Year Awards.

Cytophenix has been selected to progress to the second stage of the evaluation process, and is one of 6 Emerging Innovation Category finalists, and a Business News ‘Great for the State’ Platinum Award finalist in the 2023 WA IOTY program. We are looking forward to the benefits, recognition, and networking opportunities afforded us through participation in this strategic innovation program.

Our test sits at the heart of delivering the right antibiotic to individual patients with life-threatening infections, community-level antimicrobial resistance surveillance, and new antibiotic drug discovery. For those with life-threatening bacterial infections, early, effective antibiotic treatment is a life saver – the risk of death increases with every hour that goes by without effective antibiotic treatment. In a world where bacteria are increasingly resistant to the antibiotics used to treat them, rapid accurate tests like those being developed by Cytophenix, identify the right treatment, earlier.

Thanks to The University of Western Australia, PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, and Forrest Research Foundation for ongoing support.